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The Climate Summit for Mayors in Copenhagen with Analog Way's solutions

Outside the international summit on climate change, the city of Copenhagen organized the Climate Summit for Mayors.
During 4 days, the most powerful mayors and key actors discussed about protecting the environment. Up to 5 dicussions were displayed live together on a huge screen. Analog Way's Di-VentiX II and Axion helped displaying all the debates.

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Revive Korea Conference with solutions by Analog Way

Audio Visual Korea Co. opted for Analog Way’s solutions to manage the A/V system of Revive Korea, an International Christian’s Conference in Seoul. The mixer seamless switcher Di-VentiX II, controlled by the console Axion, and the Tetra-VIO were chosen for the show.

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The 20th World Diabetes Congress with Analog Way's solutions

Duocom Canada Inc. produced the 20th World Diabetes Congress held in Montreal, Canada. A massive A/V system was installed, including up to 13 screens. Analog Way's Di-VentiX II, Axion and Tetra-VIO were used on the show.

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Ultra wide screen HD projection for the World Congress of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Insync Productions, an Audio Visual Specialist, managed the Audio Visual presentation for the 19th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology - Hamburg, Germany. To achieve ultra wide screen HD projection, Insync Productions opted for Analog Way solutions

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Soft Edge Blending and Analog Way's Switchers enter Crestview Baptist Church

Located in Midland, Texas, Crestview Baptist Church recently relocated to welcome its 750 worshipers in a friendly atmosphere. To fit with a multipurpose space allowing for a wide variety of events, an impressive screen was installed for Soft Edge Blending, together with two lateral screens. To handle different sources and manage Soft Edge Blending and IMAG, Analog Way's Di-VentiX was installed with its controller TripliX.

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Airbus boosts its live presentations with Analog Way's Di-VentiX II

The French company LCD Vision has been producing events for Airbus for 12 years. To boost the aircraft manufacturer's presentations, LCD Vision opted for Analog Way's Di-VentiX II.

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